ONO Epistemologies—Resounding the “Bleeding Haints”

A Noisy Conversation between P. Michael Grego, travis, and Shannon Rose Riley of ONO



To resound means not only to make a loud, prolonged sound but also to send the soundings back—whether to their source(s) or other listeners, as if in a kind of dialogical loop. In this article, P. Michael, travis, and Shannon Rose Riley engage in a resounding conversation on the performance practices of the sonic subaltern as exemplified in their work as ONO. They discuss “bleeding haints,” “ghosted tracks,” and how their work resounds/re-members erased histories. They also begin to flesh out what travis calls “the colors of Noise” regarding how the Black body is always already a kind of “Noise upon the USAmerican landscape.” These are ONO epistemologies.

Author Biographies

Shannon Rose Riley, San José State University

Shannon Rose Riley is Professor and Chair of the Humanities Department at San José State University.


travis is retired and writing on “Moral Evil,” which includes trips to Portugal, Spain, and slave forts in Ghana and Nigeria.

P. Michael Grego

P. Michael Grego is client and data services manager at AIDS Foundation of Chicago.






Hermeneutic Loops: Disrupting the Audio/Visual Litanies